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The Global Health Network WHO Collaborating Centre

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Professional Development

Specifically designed for all researchers working in the field of global health

The Professional Development Scheme (PDS)

The Professional Development Scheme (PDS) has been created by The Global Health Network and WHO-TDR. The scheme provides a comprehensive, high quality mechanism for recording, tracking and guiding professional development in health research by capturing core competencies, qualifications and training.

The Professional Development Scheme is based upon The Global Health Network TDR Global Competency Framework for Clinical Research which sets out the competencies that should be demonstrated by a research team to carry out a successful study. The framework can be applied to any health research study, regardless of the place, disease focus and type of research.

This Scheme offers all members of research staff a free, online system for maintaining a secure, validated and recognised record of professional development.

If you would like to learn more and register, then join us and Get Started with the Professional development Scheme.